You are an immortal spiritual being playing at being human in the holographic, virtual reality that is the physical universe.
You are a player in the MMORPG that is life on earth: Massive MultiPlayer Online Role-Playing Game (pronounced MORG; examples are “Second Life” and “World of Warcraft”.) Instead of “online”, it takes place in a perfectly real, 4D illusion that is matter.
You are literally living in the Matrix (reference to the famous 1999 movie). Outside and creator of the Matrix is the One Infinite Creator Being from which you come and are part of.
You are a spirit incarnating on earth to play the Human Game, to explore the Human Adventure.
You are literally living in the Matrix (reference to the famous movie). Outside and creator of the Matrix is the One Infinite Creator Being from which you come and are part of.
You are a spirit incarnating on earth to play the Human Game, to explore the Human Adventure.
You are the star in your Human Movie: The entire planet is a movie set for billions of Human Movies. Your life is a perfectly real, four dimensional movie and you are the protagonist. Others are supporting actors in your Movie, and you in theirs.
You are not your body; you are not your mind; you are not your human identity. You do not come from matter. You are a non-physical, aware-will entity, a spirit. You are a particle of the Creator incarnating in the creation to play in it.
Your body and your human identity is your avatar, your character, in the Game. Your human identity is an illusion, a role, that you-spirit are playing in the MMORPG.
To truly live the Human Experience, to take it all seriously, to really feel all that a human does; you must not-know Who You Really Are. You must forget Who You Really Are to lose yourself in your movie and identify with your human character. You have hypnotized yourself to believe that you are only a human being, created for yourself what is called “avidya” (ignorance) in Hinduism and Buddhism.
The purpose of the Matrix as it is for all movies and games, is EXPERIENCE: adventure, fun, games and drama including pain and suffering. (Movie heroes always suffer before they achieve their goals.) The Matrix is the Creator exploring and experiencing Her Self in all Her infinite possibilities of being and experiences.
The first two stages of the Human Experience are, by design, more negative experience, more drama, than happiness. The first two acts in the Human Theater are more about problems and obstacles, conflicts and difficulties, loss and failure, pain and suffering, than they are about winning and happiness. You-spirit came here first to explore negative experiences (something like choosing a horror movie to terrify yourself).
Many more positive, even inimaginable, experiences are available to you when you awaken from your Human Dream and recover consciousness of Who You Really Are. You-spirit are a particle of the Creator, a chip off the old block, capable of manifesting your human life as you would have it. You are capable of “graduating” to a life of transhuman wisdom, power, love, abundance and joy.
To the degree that you are deep into your human illusion, all that we have said above may seem preposterous. That is the measure of the perfection of the Matrix, of the illusion, you are trapped in. Throughout history, some people have awakened with the illusion and tried to tell others. Their explanations have been mis-understood and distorted and you know them now as the world’s religions.
No need to believe the above, but do take it as a possibility, as a hypothesis and simply be open to having it all explained and proven to you. What do you choose? You have the same two options as Neo:
A- Blue Pill: continue in the illusion that you are only a human being and continue with a life of problems, drama and negative emotions.
B- Red Pill: Wake up, recover awareness of Who You Are, perception and communication with the All That Is, and your divine power to create your life in your ideal.
If you chose A read no further. You do not want to know what is in it because it could trigger your process of awakening. Just know that, sooner or later, you will tire of the Human Game and want to return to the Infinite-Love Joy when you come, to your spiritual Essence. You will feel emptiness and dissatisfaction with your human life and long for something more, for true happiness.
If you chose B, Enlightenment, welcome aboard. This website and our free eBook is the story of the what, why and how you are in the Matrix; and most importantly: How to Awaken. This eBook is the story of what spiritual awakening and enlightenment are and how to achieve them in a few years.